[Music] Great Are You Lord – Evans Ighodalo feat. Elijah Oyelade


Psalm 148:5: Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being.

We were made to give God praise all the days of our lives, and the scripture says in Psalms 48:1

Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, his holy mountain.

I was worshiping one day when this scriptures came in a song, “Great are You Lord, You are worthy to be Praise” , I will praise You forever, Amen. This is a commitment and my purpose for existing, to praise God forever. In any situation I find myself, I will praise God, forever, Amen.

After a while, the verse came, and at that point, the Holy Spirit asked me to invite Pastor Elijah Oyelade to minister on it, and he did justice to the verse 2, which he wrote and sang, giving praise to God in singing.



Great are You Lord

You are worthy to be praised

I will praise You forever

I will praise You forever

I will praiseYou forever


You are dependable

Your wisdom unsearchable

Great are You Lord

You are worthy to be praised

You reign forever

You are Jehovah

Great are You Lord

You are worthy to be praised

Who will not worship a God like you

You are so beautiful

Darkness cannot stand before You

Lord of light, full of Glory

Ancient of days

Miracle worker

That’s who You are

All of my days and forever

You are my God

Great are You Lord

You are worthy to be praised

You are marvelous and Glorious

Powerful and Mighty

Oh my God

You are worthy to be praised

You move the mountain

You made a way where there is no way

You are so beautiful

You are worthy to be praised

You have done what no Man can do

broke the chains and You set me free

put a new song in my mouth to sing

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!

Mighty God the great I am

That’s who You are

I will praise you name, forever

You are my God

Great are You Lord

You are worthy to be praised

I will praise You forever

I will praise You forever

I will praiseYou forever

Oh Oh Oh

I will praise You forever

I will praise You forever

I will praiseYou forever


I will praise Your name forever

I will praise Your name forever

I will praise You forever


Produced by Godwin Hillary @hills_play

Background vocals by Trinity Anderson Music Team @miztrinity

Verse 2 written by Elijah Oyelade @elijahoyelade

Song written and composed by Evans Ighodalo for Trinity Rythm.